How To Stay Raw Vegan When Busy

Most vegans ‘slip up‘ due to the lack of knowledge of how to effectively and efficiently maintain a healthy raw vegan lifestyle. As a Civil Engineer, projects not only take me away from home A LOT, they often take me out of town, living in the tropics can present its own set of challenges as well as advantages. These in mind, let me share some of the things I do to overcome a few of the hurdles I encounter whilst juggling various tasks and professional obligations.

Fruits Are Always Available:
Being in the Caribbean makes it that much easier to have access to in season, ripe, local fruits, these are often available anywhere from a nearby market or vendor set up on the sidewalk, even adjacent to restaurant locations. With time it is easy to know their source as well as to place orders with them for bulk produce. This is what I generally do, with local trustworthy farmers.

Invest in a cooler:
When on the move, it is paramount to take with you the foods you know you will enjoy, this means, as a raw vegan, having fresh or frozen fruits, either way, cool storage is a must. This is something I travel around with to keep my fruits and vegetables fresh.

Buy in bulk: 
       As a rule, I do not buy my fruits and vegetables in supermarkets or stores, however, if in a ‘ bind’ and good quality frozen foods or a salad bar within such a place become available, I will either grab frozen fruits or packaged items to throw together a tasty salad: nuts, greens, fruit always do the trick.  Buying these larger quantities of items means they will serve for another impromptu meal whip up. My cooler is always outfitted with utensils and serving bowls etc.
      A good way to secure deals in these places is to request from the produce manager a price 
      on their ‘ ugly ‘ fruit.


Know Local Juice bars:
Smoothies are always a raw vegan ‘s ‘go to’ meal. The 21st century has seen an influx of juice bars in every town where they are more than willing to put together a combination of your preference. I have been doing this for years and simply look out for new locations with organic ingredients.

Talk with head chefs
Oftentimes en route to a site lunchtime catches me in a situation whereby a meeting is called for at a restaurant, not raw vegan focused. This, I find is always easily handled well by making your request, desires, preferences known to the head chef who is always more than willing to accommodate.

These are five of my key points I use whilst raw and on the go, I hope you find them useful as a vegan.

Jan P. López


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