Vegan Taco and Nacho Recipe Ideas!

I am a huge fan of spicy food and people look at me like I’m crazy for putting sriracha sauce, salsa, and jalapenos on my food. I like to make a lot of spicy recipes like tacos and nachos because those are some of my of my favorite foods. If you do not want any of these recipes in a tortilla you can also change the recipe and use tortilla chips to make nachos, burritos, fajitas, or another dish instead.

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(photos by Danielle)

I like to make several variations of each type of recipe so that each time I make a dish of the same type, it will be a bit different each time I prepare the recipe. Instead of using plain white tortillas, for this recipe, I used the Habanero Lime Tortillas from Trader Joe's to put a twist on the meal.

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(photos by Danielle)

I topped these tortillas with Gardein’s Fishless Fillets after they were baked. Then, I put in all my other ingredients. In this photo, I used orange bell peppers, beets, some greens, jalapeno, and a spicy sauce. Nutritional yeast seasoning can also be added for extra flavor.

(photos by Danielle)

I use a lot of Gardein products when I am cooking for my family, but I am trying to eat less processed foods lately. However, my family has been asking for their products a lot lately! We have been making healthier choices for many reasons and have been feeling so much better. I am very excited about showing people these products and getting the word out about them because it shows that I can still eat the same way as I was before, but much healthier. It is nice to be able to eat things like this with even more nutrients and more natural ingredients.

(photos by Danielle)

For these tacos, I like to use the Gardein Beefless Crumble. You can use any meat alternative in these recipes. In these images, I have added tomato, red bell pepper, lettuce, onion, and any sauce. For the sauce, I like to use a dairy free ranch, sriracha, or chipotle sauce. You can also top it with black beans, salsa, jalapenos, or any other plant based ingredient as well.

(photos by Danielle)

These recipes are great because they have a lot of healthy ingredients with a lot of nutrients. There is always additional room to add a wider range of veggies as well for more health benefits.

Hopefully, some of you will try something similar to this over the weekend.
Have a great weekend everybody!



  1. These look incredible! & I love that they are vegan too! I want to start incorperating more vegan/veggie food into my diet!

  2. Vegetarian here! Not a fan of hots, but I'm trying to widen my variety of vegetarian meals to tempt a meat-loving family. Love your photos!

  3. Those do look delicious. I don't think I can get Gardein where I am, but I find that just grilled mushrooms make a tasty enough substitute for me.

    1. They are great! The website for the brand has a product locator if you are interested in finding out. Also, yes I love when mexican restaurants have a portobello mushroom option because it has a steak texture and even looks like it!!

  4. Oh wow. That looks yummy! We haven't had salad or any veggie dish for weeks now. I need to try this!

    1. The best thing is there are so many different ways to do a dish like this! Hope you enjoy what you make :)

  5. My family and I do not have any special diets but we are open to try other options. These vegan taco and nachos look so delicious. As much as my family loves Mexican food, I am sure they won't mind going meatless. :)

    1. That is amazing to hear. What is wonderful is Gardein's products usually taste exactly like meat. I have never been disappointed with any of their products and my family eats meat still and has been asking for them every week!! :)

  6. Yeah, I wouldn't be able to do the spicy part! I usually pick up mild seasoning when we have tacos. The rest of it looks delicious, though!

  7. I want to try this Gardein products. It is interesting that it tastes like meat so my boys won't know the difference. :)

    1. Of course! I would recommend because so many people say the only reason they still eat meat is the taste and now we have so many things that taste just like it. Gardein is amazing and I would recommend it!!

  8. I love that brand of meatless alternatives. I normally just add it to pasta but I never thought about making tacos with it.


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