Is Veganism Possible for Spoonies? Part 2

There are a few options besides fast food that you have for during a flare or are too tired, when you're not up to cooking, or not up for cooking a lot. These are the tips I've figured out over the years:

Meal prep, and cook in batches. At the beginning of your week, meal prep your food (or the middle, depending on your schedule, and whether you work or not). Or make a large batch of a dish, or a few dishes. Things like soup, chili, and pasta all keep and reheat well. There are practically endless options online, especially on apps/sites like pinterest. Plenty of other suggestions here.

It's really helpful for me to cook in large batches and have leftovers in the fridge or freezer to reheat. Your circumstances may be slightly different, and you may find it more desirable to cook smaller amounts more frequently. Just do whatever you prefer.

Have items on hand to make food prep and storage easier. Such as food processor or mini-chopper; blender; rice cooker; Crock Pot; Instant Pot (I don't have one, but I've seen many people rave about them!); a solid cutting board; decent quality knives, especially ones that feel comfortable in your hands; non-disposable, and disposable food storage containers (Ziploc bags). All of these items can be so helpful.

If you are on a tight budget, you can shop for small appliances and many kitchen items at thrift stores. Or, keep an eye out for when they are on sale. Winter holidays, Mother's Day, late Spring/early Summer, and late Summer/early Autumn are times I know they tend to be on sale. You can also request things for birthday/holiday gifts, or just buy items as your budget allows.

Eco tip: you can reuse the jars and vessels your food is sold in; just be sure to not freeze untempered glass, and only microwave microwave-safe items! Use disposables as necessary. Ziploc bags, paper plates, etc can be beneficial, so there is less cleaning to do. My environmentally-friendly side totally cringes, but I say it's worth it if it helps me stay a vegan (yes there are paper plates in my cupboard as we speak!). Veganism has such a tremendous positive impact, that some disposables are definitely OK in my book!

Have some processed foods on hand. It's not the healthiest option, but it's better than nothing. Things like canned soups, macaroni and cheese or cheeze, other boxed pasta and rice dishes, frozen foods, etc. Stuff you can quickly pop in the microwave or oven, and can eat.

You can do tons with frozen vegetables, canned beans, dried pasta or other grain product, and frozen protein items like burgers or chick'n patties, etc. Frozen veggies are an absolute lifesaver for me. They are super versatile, inexpensive, readily available at most stores, already prepped, stay fresh indefinitely, and just as nutritious as fresh. They really help fill out your meals, and can be found for $1.00 or even less. You can buy bags of chopped onions, peppers, stir-fry blends, soup starters; and of course individual veggies like peas and corn. Any of these could be added to macaroni & cheeze, stir-fries with fresh vegetables, pasta dishes, chilli, stews, pasta salad, and/or tofu scramble.

Also, you can find packages that contain veggies and grain products like rice, pasta, etc. These can be eaten alone, or with some protein food for a complete meal in minutes. I really like to add some onions, garlic, edamame to the stir-fry/noodle blends; that's just one of many options. One other benefit of frozen foods, is you can always prepare only the amount needed then, and save the rest for another meal.

Much of the same can be said for frozen fruit, as well. It can be added to oatmeal, smoothies, desserts, etc. I personally like letting it thaw slightly, and eating it plain for a snack. There's something about the partially frozen texture that makes it taste much sweeter. You could also add sweetener, cinnamon or other desired spice, and top with vegan whipped topping for a super easy & simple dessert.

I hope this gives you some more idea of how veganism can be possible for you! Be sure to read Part 1. The final post will be up in 2 weeks. Until then, peace, love, and veggies--Dawn ❤


  1. I struggled for a while trying to transition from vegetarianism to veganism, but lately, it's gotten a lot easier. I found dropping meat from my diet was really easy, but finding alternatives for cheese, eggs, etc. was a lot harder for me. Once I found a solid number of alternatives, it's been a lot easier. I still cave every once in a while and steal a piece of cheese while visiting someone's house (if it's out and tempting me), but it's been otherwise significantly easier! I know I'll have no problem being 100% vegan by year end. :)

  2. Lots of great tips here, I might try and implement some into my life, I am a vegetarian but it is finding alternatives for the other food I love that will be harder. :)


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