5 Rituals to Add to Your Morning Routine This Month

            Call me crazy, but mornings are my favorite part of the day. I love that every day is a fresh start and full of possibilities. It does not matter what happened the day before, a new day is a chance to do something completely new. I also love mornings because I adore my morning routine. Personally, I wake up early enough (most days) to enjoy at least an hour by myself to do my routine before I have to actually start doing productive life things and talking to people, haha! If I don’t spend enough time in the morning to myself I end up being a bit cranky during the day. I thought I would share some elements of my routine that I feel like everyone should try out because it really can put you in a better mood for your whole day! Having a morning routine that you look forward to also makes it a bit easier to get out of bed ;)

1.     Meditate
I was always skeptical of meditation and its benefits. Now that I have tried it, though, I can see why so many people swear by it. I do not like to sit in the quietness by myself so I choose to follow guided meditations from YouTube. There are also great apps such as Calm and Headspace that many people like. I know mornings can be busy, so just try for five to ten minutes each morning and really focus on your breathing.

2.     Morning Music Playlist
Good songs can make or break my morning. I like to play some slow yet happy music to put me in a good mood as I get ready for my day. The picture below is one of my favorite playlists for an easy morning.

3.     Hydration
After sleeping for (hopefully) a long time, your body needs to be hydrated. I like to start with a big bottle of water. If you have a lemon, that is great to squeeze into your water too. I also like to have either green tea or coffee, depending on my mood and my schedule for that day. When I go for tea, I like the Yogi and Traditional Medicinal brand because they have uplifting quotes on the tea bags. If I get a coffee, I like mine either plain black or a latte with almond or soy milk.

4.     Yoga
Doing yoga or some form of movement in the morning is my favorite part of my morning routine. When I do yoga in my room, I like to follow along to YouTube videos. Some of my favorite Yogis on YouTube are Boho Beautiful, Allie the Journey Junkie, Brett Larkin, Yoga with Adrienne, and Alo Yoga. I highly recommend checking out these channels and trying one of their yoga videos tomorrow morning.
5.      Gratefulness
This one is especially important if you want to start your day out on the right foot. I recommend having a journal or notebook to keep by your bed or on your desk where you can write down what you are grateful for each day. Choosing three things each morning is a great way to start. If you have extra time, you can also write down how you are feeling, what you want to accomplish that day, or reflect on your dreams from the night before. Journaling can be very meditative and it’s a great way to release any emotions you are feeling so you can be grounded as you go about your day.

            Those are five essential parts of my morning routine. Sometimes I do not have time for them all, or I simply skip some if I really am I not feeling it that day. However, doing something that makes you feel good before you go out into the world for that day can really change your life. I greatly recommend finding a routine that makes you feel good and trying your best to incorporate it each day.
            Do you already have a morning routine? Please share it with me below!
Thanks for reading <3


  1. I agree with all of these! Gratefulness and hydration in particular are both so important to me and I've been trying to focus on these two specifically lately.

  2. It's sad that nowadays, because I wake up very early for school, I don't even take the time to be grateful for waking up healthy. But I'll try to. And it's nice that you can do all of those things on the mornings. Lucky you.

    1. I understand! I was that way in high school. It really does make a difference though

  3. I wake up Early sometimes by 5 am I come into the kitchen put the kettle on and sit down to facing the window that is busy with birds and clouds and sky.. I drink tumeric, black pepper,cinnamon, ginger, grated frozen lemonade and smidge of coconut oil. I love to listen to music that has tones, Om's, binanural beats. I drink water have a piece of fruit. Sometimes I will have an infrared sauna. I dont have children so I can oil pull,dry brush, stretch my body and then get in the shower. This ritual is sacred after years of being so sad in the morning,my best friend died early in the morning and after I would sleep late for a long long time, almost to try and sleep past that "mourning" .. Since reunited with my love , the healing has taken place and I can rise early in the morning and be grateful

  4. I would love to get this into my morning routine, but 4 kids and my morning routines are lucky if I can grab a smoothie to drink. Maybe I will try one or two and build my way up as all these are excellent.

  5. Yoga is something that I enjoy doing, it 's so relaxing and it would be perfect for your morning routine! I also do it at night whenever I'm too busy in the morning.

    1. Yoga is the best! I am doing a teacher training this summer!

  6. I need to drink more water for sure, AND I really need to get up earlier to fit in meditation and exercise. I don't like getting up, but some things make it worthwhile for sure. <3

    1. After a while it becomes a habit and its much easier to get out of bed!

  7. These tips are great! I cannot always do yoga in mornings because of my toddler who wakes up at 6.30 and needs to go outside. But any activity in the morning is great!

  8. You provided some great tips here, I particularly like the idea of gratefulness!

    1. Thank you! It's a great way to have a good mindset for the day.

  9. This are such great ideas. We like to squeeze in an early morning workout if we went to bed early enough.

  10. This is a great idea. I love this. I totally want to try it out too.


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