Quick, Healthy Plant Based Meals

During the week, you may want to make quick, but flavorful vegan meals. I have a few awesome suggestions for weekly vegan meals.

First off, one of my favorites is ravioli, but it can be made with a healthier twist. The brand rising moon has a  lot of good flavors to choose from such as butternut squash. The brand also has other flavors including garlic and roasted veggie as well as spinach florentine.

For this meal, you can put any sort of plant-based sauce. Sometimes I use a tomato based sauce, sometimes I use a red bell pepper based sauce. or I may also use a homemade white sauce. For a white sauce you can blend cashews, garlic, and any other spices you want to create a creamy sauce. I also like to have some veggies sauteed on the side for more health benefits.

It can also be helpful to have some frozen things if you are extra busy like myself. The brands Sweet Earth, Beyond Meat, and Hilarys have some frozen products that can be really delicious for meals.

I hope everyone has a great week and enjoys trying out some of these products. It can be really fun to make meals from them.


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