Raise Your Hand If You Meditate!

Raise your hand if you meditate.

First off,  what is mediation and what does this have to do with being a vegetarian?  Actually, these two things complement each other and are very closely related.

Meditation has many different meanings. It can mean thinking or contemplating, it can be part of a religious activity or just as a way of becoming calm and relaxed. It can be practiced in a variety of ways as well. Some people choose to make it part of their morning ritual and have a designated space for it, others practice it at various times throughout the day or when they just need a moment of tranquility. I even know someone who meditates when she is ironing. There is no right or wrong way to meditate. Some people repeat mantras or words while meditating, others meditate in silence and focus on their breathing. One of my favorite way to meditate is to cook. I love to chop my vegetables, grind my spices and just put a lot of love into my dishes.

Some say veganism and vegetarianism are central to the path of spirituality.There are many reasons to follow a vegetarian lifestyle We all know that a plant-based diet is healthy and there are many statistics and documentaries that support this fact. Then there are the religious beliefs that support this way of life. There are also climate change. social justice and the environment which supports a plant-based diet. But what does this have to do with meditation you may ask. Some people can just not find tranquility while eating animal flesh. For some, it is something about the suffering of animals that will not allow them to find that inner peace. Both Hinduism and Buddhism strongly believe in developing awareness and mental concentration in the spiritual quest.  Some people may say that praying is talking to God and meditation is listening to God. Therefore in many cases, vegetarianism is a by-product of meditation. Meditation can increase your mindfulness to really look at things in a different light, it can make you realize that it is not necessary to kill a living being for your food, it can open your heart, and increase your awareness. This increased sensitively may make you want to pursue a vegetarian lifestyle.

After learning about different religions and researching this topic, this is my interpretation of what I have learned. I would be curious to hear your thoughts on this topic and would love for you to share them.

To continue with ways to meditate and transition into this week's recipe, I encourage you to use eating as a form of meditation when trying either this dish or your next meal. Be mindful of how the food looks, feel the temperature of the food with your fingers, notice the texture and smell of the ingredients. By taking your time and being present with the food on your plate, you will be able to slow down and enjoy every morsel you put in your mouth, It also is much healthier then rushing through your meal without even savoring the taste.

Balsamic Glazed Brussel Sprouts


Brussel sprouts
Olive Oil
Soy Sauce
Agave (honey or brown sugar would work too)
Salt and Pepper

After cutting the top off each of the brussel sprouts and cutting them in half, I placed them in a a pan and covered them with water until they were fork tender and bright green in color. ( I cooked them until all the water evaporated). I then added 1 tablespoon of olive oil and tossed them. As you can see from the picture on the right, they got a golden color. I added 1 tablespoon of each of the following:
the balsamic glaze, agave and soy sauce and continued to heat until they caramelized.

You can adjust the ingredients by adding a teaspoon at a time to see if you want more savory or would like it sweeter.

This is a great recipe to use as a side for any meal.

Hope you enjoy it!

Happy Meditating!!!

With Gratitude,



  1. I always wanted to learn meditation, knowing it brings so much benefits. However I have difficulty practicing it as my naughty brain is like a monkey that cant sit still and always wonder around. I didnt know you can meditate through cooking, may be I should try it out the vegetarian cooking.

  2. I know exactly how you feel, I used to be the exact same way so give it a try, you have nothing to lose. Thanks for sharing!

  3. This looks so delightful and tasty. I would love to try making this recipe. My husband would absolutely love these.

  4. Thanks for your comments, they are really easy to make and the best part was the easy cleanup. I love doing things in one pan. Hope your husband likes them!

  5. We are always trying to mediate more through yoga. This recipe looks great- we need to try it soon.

    1. Thanks so much for you comments. I always struggle with focus and love that there is no right or wrong way to meditate.

  6. Eating as meditation sounds really interesting! I might give this a go and see how it goes

    1. Great, let me know if it works for you! Thanks for your comment.

  7. I have heard about the "eating as meditation" philosophy before. I was a vegetarian for many years, but had to add fish because, oddly enough, my cholesterol went UP! So now, I'm a pescatarian. I eat mainly for my health, though, as I don't consider myself a particularly religious person.

    1. I never really considered myself to be religious either but what I have discovered is that I'm spiritual taking bits and pieces of various of different philosophies. Thanks so much for your comments.

  8. I don't think I could function without meditation. Just a moment of calm can snap me out of anything that I find myself caught up, bringing me back to peace. Cooking, eating and living are all forms of moving meditation, fostering presence and a higher level of functioning. <3 Many Blessings, xo Evelyn, PathofPresence.com

  9. That is so true, sometimes you just need that moment of calm. Thank you so much for your comments and thoughts I could not agree more!

  10. I worry a lot, and sometimes my heart accelerates so much I have to take a break to cool down. I think I can definitely use meditation so I have greater peace during the day.

  11. I know that feeling and it is the worst, sometimes I just need to take a moment to regroup. Hope some of the ideas help you. I really appreciate your comments

  12. I agree about meditation! Sometimes we do just need to be still, think, and let God speak to us. And I love the kitty pic!! :)

  13. Awe thanks for your comments, that's my boy Colby!

  14. I started in high school, it really does wonders. It makes my body feel calm and rested.

  15. I only realized not too long ago that I didn't need to sit still to meditate,. It really works wonders. Thanks for your comment.


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