Is Vegetarianism A Better Way To Healthier Living?

Is Vegetarianism A Better Way To Healthier Living?

First and foremost, ‘ Health‘ requires a holistic approach, not a dietary one.

Many of us who have 1. Stopped and thought seriously and honestly about our diet or
 2. Done some research into the Standard American Diet (SAD) and as a result have made a decision to consider vegetarianism, or better yet, veganism.

 In doing 1 or 2, or both, my guess is that one would most likely have made a change to exclude animal flesh and to some extent dairy (and other animal products/secretions) from their diet.  This is often in an effort to make healthier decisions, starting with diet. Diet is the single most effective way to positively affect one’s lifestyle .Sadly however, due to reasons unknown t o most, the inclination to revert to adding back dairy and even continuing to include eggs become a necessity in the eyes of a few already vegetarian converts (studies have uncovered some reasons as to why this is so, on a scientific level that is).
This, tends largely to be an influence of information coming to us from the meat and dairy industry, which has a large monopoly on the ' researched facts' which are made public. If that industry is fully subsidized in the US alone, receiving some 3. 8 Billion Per year, it is reason enough, I reckon, to question their motives.


Our bodies are pretty wise; it produces most of what is required on a daily basis, adding foods which increase cholesterol levels seem highly counterproductive in my view. Moving away from meat, dairy and eggs therefore is a wise move as far as health is concerned. Vegetarianism is a step in such a direction, yet not wholly. Therefore , what takes us closer to such a place?


 That, in my view is veganism, assuredly, raw veganism. A clean non raw vegan whole food approach is a near best, keeping oils even in their unheated form to a minimum, and eliminating altogether overtime. Oils, though considered ' healthy ', are not natural and have proven far from optimal when ingested, due to their effect on blood flow and heart disease in even vegans – worthy of note :

Diet is a very complex thing, long taken for granted,  used as a means of celebratory outlet, social acceptance, gravely misunderstood  and ill practised for centuries. That said, has anyone ever perfected it? The closest to optimal food consumption in my view, is the raw vegan one, whereby a high carbohydrate ratio is adhered to. This would mean up to 80% ( sometimes more) of ones calories are derived from raw, plant foods ( namely  fruits), 10%( or respective ratio ) derived from protein( leafy greens, fruits. ) , and 10%( or respective ratio) derived from fats ( avocados, sweet fruit, nuts , seeds, coconut meat, durian etc).  That said, the simple task of having fruit only for a fixed period of time has been found to be most cleansing to the human anatomy. Of course, this is markedly so if fresh, local, properly ripened,  ideally organic foods are the ones being consumed.  Sadly, the vegetarian diet is a transitional one only to 1.) Healthier eating, 2.). Reducing one’s methane gas output on the environment. 3.) Eliminating ones contribution to Factory Farming, and by extrapolation, animal cruelty. Veganism, a lifestyle whereby one is committed to a life which imposes the least possible harm to other sentient beings whilst improving health and taking steps to not harm the environment. In my view, this is the very best way to eat and live. Let’s keep it live and vegan for health, the planet and the animals!

Jan P. López


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