Zero Waste Toothpaste

The last couple of years I heard a lot about oil pulling and the benefits of pulling for your oil hygiene. Oil pulling can be good for your overall health as well. I have always wanted to try it but it seemed very daunting to swish coconut oil for 20 minutes. I don’t have 20 minutes in my day to give my mouth that kind of workout. I wanted to find a better way.

I have always had a terrible time with my teeth. I brush them everyday and floss most days but no matter what I always ended up with cavities. My teeth are straight but over the years have yellowed. I actually really like my teeth so the yellowing, while insignificant in the scheme of life, made me very self-conscious. I wanted to find a way to improve my oral health and take care of the yellowing.
When I was looking online for ideas I stumbled on a Facebook page about zero waste. It was there that they talked about the blog Trash is for Tossers. Lauren, the zero waste queen, had a recipe for toothpaste using a few simple ingredients. In fact it was made using ingredients that you probably have in your pantry!! I had to try it.

For the last month I have been using the toothpaste and I love it. I have never felt so good about my oral health. I typically have sensitive teeth so I was a little worried about it but the toothpaste has proved to work really well. In fact, I think it might actually work better than most toothpaste you can get in stores!

It is really simple to use and super simple to make. You just scoop a little onto your toothbrush (I use this one!) using a Popsicle stick or a spoon (do not use your toothbrush! It can cause bacteria to enter your toothpaste and make it spoil faster) and brush your teeth like normal! That’s it! I still spit and rinse and I do suggest spitting into the toilet because the oil can clog your sink.

Zero Waste Toothpaste (original recipe here)
2 T. Coconut Oil (I get unrefined virgin oil from my local health food store)
1 T. Baking Soda
15-20 Drops Essential Oil

All you need to do is mix the ingredients and you have some of the best toothpaste! I use peppermint and frankincense oil because I read that frankincense is really good for oral health. I haven’t had dental insurance for a year so I am waiting to see what my dentist says but I think he will be pleasantly surprised.

My teeth are whiter, my breath feels fresh and I haven’t had any problems with tooth pain from cavities! I did try my usual store bought toothpaste for a week and I noticed a huge difference. My teeth never really felt “squeaky-clean” with my usual toothpaste and with this one my teeth always look and feel super fresh. They are white and shiny and I won’t go back to store bought again. Give it a try and see if it works for you too! Just make sure you are using the best ingredients so you have a great experience! \

Getting ready to explore the great outdoors? Check out THESE Hiking Poles from Montem!


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