How To Ensure Adequate  Protein Levels On A Raw Vegan Lifestyle


Vegans, moreso raw vegans are constantly asked: 'Where do you get your protein from?‘  Now, whereas protein deficiency, contrary to popular beliefs, has never been a real health issue, it is important to have protein, as it is other nutrients in one's diet. We must also bear in mind, like fats, a little goes a far way.

Protein Deficiency?

Protein deficiency only occurs in starvation mode, as all carbohydrates from natural, pure sources (Raw fruits and vegetables) are sources of protein. If one gets in enough calories from these foods, daily, deficiency is impossible.

Amino Acids vs. Protein

Additionally, raw fruits and vegetables provide the body with simple protein building blocks known as Amino Acids. The body is capable of assimilating amino acids versus complex proteins, which first have to be broken down to amino acids, and then made available for the body to absorb and benefit from this essential, yet easily available nutrient. I reiterate, just about every fruit and leafy green contains protein in the form of amino acids in some percentage. This is why it is important to have a variety of fruits whilst on the raw vegan lifestyle. That said, higher sources of this nutrient will be named in this overview. Small Per centage Sources of Protein are as follows:
: Fruits:  Papaya, banana, jackfruit, tomatoes, sapodillas, custard apple, and many many more.

Higher Fat Fruit Sources:

Durian - less of a heavy fat source, but like ackee provides a substantial amount as per one's daily intake of protein,

Ackee – A tropical fruit, also a good source of Omega Fatty Acids.

Avocado –A fruit, primarily composed of fats, thus an overt fat fruit.


Interesting facts on vegetables as  good protein sources: Vegetables which provide adequate quantities of said nutrient: Cauliflower, spinach, romaine lettuce. Other Dark leafy greens such as spinach, calloo(Amaranth family), broccoli, cabbage. It may come as a great surprise to many that (one)1 cup of cauliflower provides 40- 44g  of protein. Similarly, broccoli packs in some good amount as well - 12g per 100g.

Fun Fact:
More interestingly however, is that a nursing human baby needs only 0.9% of its daily intake to be protein for healthy development. This should shed a very telling light on the protein reality. How Much protein do we really need?

How Much protein do we need ?
A study conducted, concluded with a General rule of thumb Protein Requirement for adult males and females:

Men ~ 56g per day or 0.4g/lb on average.
Women ~ 46g/day or 0.8g/lb on average.

This may come as a startlingly surprise, but the only time both genders May require more, is if athletics is a part of one’s lifestyle. And this varies from person to person.

Added/other benefits of greens:
Whereas fruits provide clean, hydrating simple carbohydrates and often a higher percentage of proteins, vegetables are high in antioxidants, minerals as hereby stated: zeoxanthin and lutein( help with eyesight), nitrates, which the body converts to nitrites - beneficial to the body – Nitrites cause dilation of arteries and improved circulation, and thus also reduce high BP.  They contain ubiquinol, phytonutrients.. Chlorophyll, ‘Happiness chemicals’: such as Serotonin, Dopamine, Epinephrine- (broken down by monoamine) which  lessens depression. Interestingly, monoamine which breaks down/oxidizes these happy chemicals, can be blocked by some vegetables quite acceptable on a raw vegan intake. A few of these are: dock, kale, lovage, capers.

Quercetin from greens is effective in the Treatment of Diabetes.

Other Sources of Plant Protein Raw:
Grains: Quinoa, Buckwheat, Wild rice, Oat Groats.

Higher Sources Of the Nutrient- Best Sprouted : Beans,  Legumes, seeds: Lentils( sprouted), Garbanzo(sprouted), hemp, chia, flax. Sunflower, mung- Sprouted  To name a few.

Uncommon plant source, yet readily available : Purslane, also rich in ALA for Omega 3 fatty acids. Moringa leaves, flowers and seeds.

Higher Sources Of Plant Protein to be consumed in moderation: Nuts: walnut, almond, macadamia, brazil, pecan, the list here is countless- these are also high in fat and should be consumed in small portion

Others: Mushrooms: Crimini, Shitaki, Portabella



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