Sandwiches, Quinoa, and Smoothies

I place such a high level of importance on healthy eating, but sometimes it can be a struggle to get meals in with a crazy busy schedule. I am usually only home for a few minutes in between work and my grad school classes for the night on most weekdays. Sometimes I try to make quick meals, but during lunch hour I am sometimes home. Fortunately, this free time in my schedule can be devoted to healthy eating and making myself a nice, nourishing meal.

I typically am in a rush with only a few minutes to whip something up, but for my free time in the week, I can make some delicious meals. If I have extra time during lunch hour, or I do not have class that night, I can make a more extravagant meal. As the weather gets colder, I have been wanting to make some warmer meals and I want something that will energize me for the night sitting through my clinical classes.

(photos by Danielle)

For this picture, I have a lot of healthy and delicious foods. I love making smoothies and warm meals. This gives me so much energy for the day. I have some quinoa with vegetables like red bell pepper. I have some of Annie's Woodstock dressing on top of this mixture. This delicious dressing is made with tomato and tahini. For the smoothie in this picture, I usually blend banana, almond milk, and some berries. This can be changed around, but I find that smoothies get more vibrant in color with the more berries you add!

For the burger, you can use any roll and put a veggie burger on the bun. I like to switch between many brands for variety. I like to use Five Star Foodies, Boca, Dr. Praegers, Sweet Earth, Hilary’s, and other amazing varieties. There are still so many more out there that I have been wanting to try. The variety I have in this picture is one by Five Star Foodies, which I have been pleased with every variety I have tried so far. These are all so different in taste so each one you try will be so different. Something I always tell people is that trying one is so different from trying the rest. I have tried some veggie burgers that I do not like, but others have been outstanding. Everyone has different personal tastes that are different and there are so many options out there. Not only are the choices great so far, but over the years I am eager to see what will be added to the shelves in stores. If you want something that tastes like meat, Gardein has so many products that taste exactly like meat. I cook these up, put them on the bun, and then add some greens.

(photos by Danielle)

I add a lot of different ingredients to these meals for variety and I have enjoyed making these. It is not complicated to make and it does not take too long to make either. I hope everyone makes some wonderful recipes and I hope you enjoy if you recipe to replicate the meal in this picture over the weekend.

(photos by Danielle)



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