
Why do `we juice, and why do we blend, and which is better?
The simple answer: Neither is better and selecting one over the other is solely:
a) Out of preference or
b) Based on what one wishes to achieve

Juicing is the process by which the natural liquids within plant foods (fruits and vegetables) is extracted for consumption, without the fibrous component. There are different ways to extract these juices.

Some persons (many frugivores/fruitarians) opt to making their juice manually; this however, limits the options to juicy fruits which can be easily massaged to release the natural juices. This also means that most if not all vegetables are exempt.

Centrifugal Juicers
These are relatively medium to high speed juicers more geared for rapid output, and more often than not, requires minimal produce preparation. These are ideal for commercial use.

Masticating Low rpm Juicers
These are my favorite, as their output is cold pressed juices with relatively little waste(dry pulp).The nutrient integrity of the juice is considerably high and the juice has a longer life once stored at a low temperature(refrigerated).I recommend these types for persons on a raw vegan Lifestyle. They tend to handle leafy greens very well. There is little to no oxidation taking place as there is little to no heat added in the process of extraction.

Pros of Juicing:

  • Juicing makes it easier to assimilate the adequate vitamins and minerals. . . Nutrients are released quickly and are easily absorbed.

  • You consume more than you would eat, thus a good way to get your greens (2lbs) in for the day.

  • In a VANDERVILT Study over   10 yr period, on some   1,800 Japanese American drinking fresh juice 2-3/wk, it was found that they had a lower risk of Alzheimer’s of up to 76%., compared to their non-juicing counterparts.

  • Easier assimilation minus fiber.

Blending is the process by which fruits and or vegetables are placed in a device which blends the ingredients, sometimes with added liquid(s). What is blended is consumed (soluble and insoluble fibre) - liquid form of food...

More volume is attained than juicing the same ingredients. Filling and can easily replace a solid meal.

Sadly, the process of blending oxidizes nutrients and results in almost immediate degradation. It is advised that smoothies be consumed within 10-15 minutes s of making, and ideally made on the pulse setting.

Pros of Blending:

  • Smoothies are rich in fibre and aid in elimination, they are semi-liquid and are is easier to ' chew', we must chew our smoothies. Gulping is ineffective, especially since digestion begins in the mouth.

  • Smoothies are fast to make

  • Easy travel food

  • Great meal replacement.

  • Zero produce waste.

Pros of Juices and Smoothies:
Whatever the case, both are beneficial in some way and rank superior to consuming processed, cooked, meat, dairy, eggs and many animal products or by-products.  As well as anything in the SAD category.

Both are beneficial in terms of providing the body with beneficial nutrients available for absorption

Both juices and smoothies alike offer Micro and Phyto (plant) nutrients available to the body’s cells. Nutrition at a cellular level is one of the most effective ways to ensure the body is adequately nourished.

Assuming pure whole plant based ingredients (preferably organic) are used: Juices and smoothies both

  • Help to reduce inflammation. And
  • Reduce oxidized stress in the body.


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