How to transition to a Fully Raw Plant Foods Diet as part of a Healthy Lifestyle

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A raw food lifestyle is one which focuses on changing certain habits and practices into what I deem as healthy ones. The main shift  to make is to incorporate fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds (  the latter two at a minimum), in their natural, whole in season forms, with no added heat nor extreme low temperatures(freezing) as your source of foods on a permanent/long term basis.

There are many benefits to eating this way, some of which include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Increased energy.
2. Detoxification.
3. Cell Regeneration.
4. Improved digestion.
5. Better sleep.
6. Improved bowel health.
7. Clearer skin.

These will be achieved over a period of time which varies from person to person. Additionally, the best fit for each person must be achieved to enjoy any benefits.

The genesis of this type of lifestyle stems from the fact that these foods are life and energy promoting, by their very chemical makeup and composition at the cellular level.  This makes these foods compatible with the human physiology, and has been found to be the most alkaline, *electric and by extrapolation, cleansing and healing.

A diet composed wholly or mainly of these ' life giving /enhancing' foods have effects on the chemistry of the body, particularly when incorporated with a healthy/healthful lifestyle.
A healthy lifestyle would and should include practices such as:
1. Daily exercise.
2. Adequate hydration from foods and pure water sources.
3. Reduction or elimination of stress.
4. Combination of essential nutrients (from foods as best as possible)

In order to commence this lifestyle, most persons find the transition as a step by step one to be most effective, as well as more sustaining than making these changes overnight (‘cold turkey').

In order to fully appreciate that a raw food lifestyle is, both efficient and the most suitable, one must recognize that the food is of plant origin~ nature nurtured  from nutrients directly from the air and soil: and that which is most compatible with the human physiology.

Many persons in coming to a raw or ' live foods ' lifestyle are ones whom have already embraced semi- healthy Modus Operandi , say a vegetarian or cooked vegan lifestyle. This, indeed, may make the transition an easier one, however, this may not absolve them of the onset of detoxification symptoms, as the body loses toxins and other unwanted/foreign elements within the anatomy. For others, this experience may be more of a challenging one symptom-wise and thus as with anyone embarking on this lifestyle should seek to be monitored and/or coached during this transitioning period.

Easy steps to transition to Fully Raw:
1. Replace your first meal with fresh fruits, for a period of at least two weeks( if a further week is required, continue); Now,  once comfortable with this change ~ ensuring to get enough calories in, then the aim to move on to step 2. is in order.  Be mindful to select juicy fruits and go for the ones you really like, and are in season.

2. After having settled into this routine comfortably, a new  habit has been considered developed/engendered. At this stage, seeking to now incorporate a second meal swap is in order.  Here I highly recommend fruits mainly, particularly juicy fruits.

2. Meal #2 can be substituted with more fresh fruits and vegetables ~ aim always to incorporate as many local, fresh and ideally organic produce versus frozen and/or imported. Repeat guidelines as before.

3. Having successfully completed  Step 2, jump onto this last step:  Your last meal ~ ideally, before sunset, you may wish to go all fruit or make a salad of greens and non sweet fruits such as tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchinis etc. Adding overt fats, such as avocados or coconut ' meat', even overnight soaked nuts, all used and combined wisely, work well as a final of the day.


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*Electric Foods are those which support the genome that which is the foundation of all people. Non-hybrid and non-GMO plant foods are the most electric foods. (Adapted from Natural Life Energy).


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