On Veganism and Feminism
Ever since I became a Vegan a short time ago, it has made me think differently about many aspects of my life and the culture around me. It also has opened my mind up to greater clarity about things I already believe. This much is true for the issue of my belief in Feminism and what that means for me now as a Vegan. In truth; to be a Feminist with emphasis on strengthening the social, political and especially reproductive rights of women and to yet drink milk that came from a forcefully impregnated cow just seems like a backwards step. Some may say that it’s just a cow, and that giving milk is what they are here to do but I have to put a stop to that kind of thinking. Just because a cow is an animal and you may not think that it has the same rights as you do, doesn’t mean that it deserves the kind of life that the dairy industry forces it to live. The life of a dairy cow is one of forced impregnation and unnatural life. Of course, the cow cannot produce milk unless i...