
Showing posts from April, 2017

How To Reduce Bloating Whilst Transitioning To A High Carb Low Fat Raw Vegan Lifestyle. Part I.

How To Reduce Bloating Whilst Transitioning To A High Carb Low Fat Raw Vegan Lifestyle. Part I.   Most Modalities of eating are diet or diet  fads. I like to think of the High Carb Low Fat Raw Vegan Way of eating, as a   Lifestyle approach, as it incorporates so many aspects of healthy living. Several persons transitioning to the Raw Vegan Lifestyle experience major benefits from this lifestyle, such as : Increased Energy Improved Skin Conditions Better Digestion More Flexibility     However there are those who at the beginning or overtime experience bloating, digestive distress and gassy discomfort. This can be due to several reasons, such as: 1. Gut bacteria strengthening and die off - As the dietary intake changes, so does the required bacteria. This often results in the gut environment responding to the introduction of new bacteria as well sis the ...

Millennial Self Love

Hey, guys, I know I haven't been posting as much and I'm sorry about that; I'm just tired. I am so tired! Being a grown up is one of the hardest things I have ever done. Oh, how I miss being a kid! My mom did everything for me I wanted for nothing. Now looking back I don't know how she did it. I am attempting (and failing at) to work a full tim job, pay my bills, take care of my fur babies, give my marriage the attention it deserves, maintain long distant friendships, and being the daughter and sister my family deserves. Somewhere in that list of things I have forgotten the most important part of life is taking care of yourself. In order to accomplish everything I need to accomplish I have manage to place myself on the back burner. In order to have more time for all my other responsibilities I have cut out my personal time that I had been using to practice my spirituality. I am one overwhelmed, vaguely human shaped, mess that's just trying to adult...

Raw Plantain Porridge

Raw Plantain Porridge Serving Size : 2 medium sized bowls. Ingredients.     3-4 whole medium sized ripe plantains ( Black skin- soft orange fruit inside).  1-1.5  cups of Water Pomegranate seeds. As many  as desired (1/2 - 1 cup.). Other options: spirulina, chopped bananas. Directions Blend 4 whole peeled plantains in 1.5 cups of  spring water until smooth. Add more water or reduce to 1 cup for desired consistency. Sprinkle with nutmeg if desired. Add slices of ripe bananas to taste if desired,  and top and/or immerse with pomegranate seeds . Enjoy a filling breakfast  at any meal time!

Vegan Deodorant Test

Let’s face it deodorants are bad for you. At least the ones in stores are.  Most contain chemicals that can cause a lot of problems like cancer or blocked sweat glands. Most are even made with sneaky animal ingredients! Yuck. So I decided to make the switch to a vegan, animal friendly deodorant. But which one was the best? There is a trick to switching to a vegan deodorant that most people don’t realize. You have to sweat out the bad stuff. I don’t mean go without deodorant but you can. I mean your body has to get rid of the stuff you’ve been using and get into a normal cycle again. This process takes about two weeks and it is just a detox cycle for your pits. It’s totally normal to produce more sweat or even be a little slinkier than normal. This lasted for about a week and a half for me. I just made sure I had extra in my bag to reapply. Once I detoxed I could tell if the deodorant was working. Side note: I only tried three brands and I know there are tons out there. If ...

Detoxify with Juices – Cleansing Juices

Detoxify with Juices – Cleansing Juices One of the best ways to embark on a juice detox is, to make your own concoctions. And as previously stated,   5 or less ingredients are the best, keeping it simple at all times is key. We must be cognizant of the fact that, these regimens are as effective as the protocol within which it is incorporated, example- as one engages in a kidney and/or liver flush, it should be administered on the weekend or time off from work when the mind is not rushed and mindful activities, particularly those first thing in the morning ones   are possible. Additionally, these protocols are far more effective when coupled with: i) . Colonics or enemas. Under supervision. ii). Lymph moving exercises, such as rebounding 5-6 times per week for at least 15 minutes, the longer, the better. As stated before, simple combinations are the very best recipes, both on the pocket as well as the organs of the body. In fact, these combinations are often t...

Recipe!! Vegan Pretzel Bread

Vegan Pretzel Bread 4 Cups of All purpose white non bleached flour. ⅓ cup melted vegan butter. I use earth balance. 1⅓ cup of warm water. 1 pinch of salt. some coarse salt to decorate. Yeast proofing: 2¼ tsp of yeast + ½ tsp of sugar + ¼ tsp of warm water. Alkaline bath: 6 cups of water + 2 Tbsp of baking soda. Take all your yeast proofing ingredients and mix them together. Set aside until it foams and doubles in size. Mix your flour and sugar. Add the proofed yeast and melted butter. Set your stand mixer to low speed and add your water very slowly. Once you use all your water is used. Set the speed to high and let it sit for 5-6 minutes. Take your dough out. It should be very sticky. Cut into 4-6 pieces and shape it into 4-6 balls. Oil a baking sheet, place your 4-6 dough balls in there, leaving at least 3-4 inches in between. Cover with a towel and let rise for 45 minutes or until it doubles in size. Prepare your alkaline bath by putting the wat...

How Do We Detoxify With Juices Part II

How Do We Detoxify With Juices Part II Following up from last week' s topic on juicing, the protocol of juicing is one which is deemed as a healthy fad, but as with all things it is only healthy if approached the right way, includes the right ingredients and employed/incorporated within a healthy lifestyle regimen. These guidelines are easier to incorporate than one may realise at the onset. It is highly recommended therefore, that persons with eating disorders seek supervision of some kind, before undertaking a juicing protocol. To jump start this process for persons interested in embarking on a healthier lifestyle, as cleansing can begin with daily juicing whilst incorporating an all whole food( fresh fruits and vegetable - ideally) diet I will suggest some juice recipes one can incorporate in their daily intake. One of the key things to include in any kind of recipe is ' keep it simple', the body essentially processes one ingredient  at different ra...

DIY Laundry Powder and Fabric Softener Crystals

In my efforts to be more zero waste I decided to make my own laundry powder and fabric softener crystals. I tried a couple of versions and finally settled on one that I thought really cleaned my clothes and helped keep them static free and smelling really good. Making your own laundry powder and fabric softener crystals take almost no time, money or effort to make. You most likely have the ingredients already! All you do is mix and you are good to go. No more running to the store and spending almost $10 on something that is full of chemicals. Laundry Powder ( original recipe from here ) 1 C. Borax 1C. Washing Soda 1 Bar of Soap Essential Oils (optional) Grate the bar of soap and mix the borax and washing soda and viola! You are done. Use about 1-2 tablespoons per load. If the load needs some extra stain fighting I will use 2 tablespoons. If it is just a simple load of towels or lightly soiled clothing then I just use 1 tablespoon. I use Fels Neptha s...