How To Reduce Bloating Whilst Transitioning To A High Carb Low Fat Raw Vegan Lifestyle. Part I.

How To Reduce Bloating Whilst Transitioning To A High Carb Low Fat Raw Vegan Lifestyle. Part I. Most Modalities of eating are diet or diet fads. I like to think of the High Carb Low Fat Raw Vegan Way of eating, as a Lifestyle approach, as it incorporates so many aspects of healthy living. Several persons transitioning to the Raw Vegan Lifestyle experience major benefits from this lifestyle, such as : Increased Energy Improved Skin Conditions Better Digestion More Flexibility However there are those who at the beginning or overtime experience bloating, digestive distress and gassy discomfort. This can be due to several reasons, such as: 1. Gut bacteria strengthening and die off - As the dietary intake changes, so does the required bacteria. This often results in the gut environment responding to the introduction of new bacteria as well sis the ...