How To Reduce Bloating Whilst Transitioning To A High Carb Low Fat Raw Vegan Lifestyle. Part I.

How To Reduce Bloating Whilst Transitioning To A High Carb Low Fat Raw Vegan Lifestyle. Part I.

 Most Modalities of eating are diet or diet  fads. I like to think of the High Carb Low Fat Raw Vegan Way of eating, as a  Lifestyle approach, as it incorporates so many aspects of healthy living.

Several persons transitioning to the Raw Vegan Lifestyle experience major benefits from this lifestyle, such as :

  • Increased Energy
  • Improved Skin Conditions
  • Better Digestion
  • More Flexibility


However there are those who at the beginning or overtime experience bloating, digestive distress and gassy discomfort. This can be due to several reasons, such as:

1. Gut bacteria strengthening and die off - As the dietary intake changes, so does the required bacteria. This often results in the gut environment responding to the introduction of new bacteria as well sis the fatality of the proliferated bacteria utilized  in the past (to handle say animal products taken in as food). This transition clearly is only temporary and varies in timeframe from individual to individual. This is part and only part of the ' adjustment period', many raw foodists talk about.

2. Improper food combining. Raw food combining has long been ignored. Here is a good recommendation for what should obtain  The greatest upsetting guidelines I have found over the years are a). Drinking and eating simultaneously, particularly cold beverages with food, causing the ' sludging effect’ - combat this , by avoiding this combination within a 2 hr window of meals including the hour before and after. At worse, sip small amounts of room temperature  or tepid water with meals . b) Factor number 2. In my books is watermelin combining with other foods and not had on an empty stomach. Melons, specifically  Watermelon are the fastest digesting foods. When combined with any other foods, fermentation is likely to occur.  This can cause major digestive distress, gassiness and bloating. To abate this , try to consume melons on an  empty stomach, on their own  and preferably with a clear window of at least 1 hr before other meals. Thirdly, this combination faux pas has far reaching long term implications and should be avoided always - c).  Sweet fruits and overt fats. This combination has a similar effect as the watermelon issue. Here we are dealing with food groups of different digestion rates. Fats tend to slow down the digestion of whatever they're eaten with’ Coupled with this fact, this combination can contribute to insulin resistance. This combination therefore should be avoided.

3. Acclimatizing to digesting larger meals to attain requisite calories and nutrients from fresh, plant based  foods. Foods derived from animal flesh and secretions as well as cooked and/or processed products are more caloric dense, difficult to break down and  can only be managed in smaller quantities compared to their live plant counterparts. An extended period of consuming these more concentrated/non hydrating items does not lend to the body easily handling foods which are more fibrous and in  some cases a bit more robust in intercellular structure. Some examples include cruciferous vegetables - cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts , asparagus and more. One way to ' ease into ' these foods is to lightly blanch them in warm water before consuming, whilst not destroying all  the enzymes in the food source. Taking a digestive enzyme of plant source before meals containing cruciferous vegetables most times seem to help this situation. These tips may be employed until the body transitions fully into ‘raw’ functioning.

Other factors which  can trigger bloating issues include:

A. Eating too swiftly and taking in undue air which may  build up in the abdomen and cause  undue uneasiness.

B. General food combining may be another factor which results in these issues. This suggests taking it simply and at the least having mono fruit meals until the stomach acclimatizes to this new modality of functioning. Please join us next weekend(May 5, 2017) for Part II.


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