Healthy & Flavorful Vegan Meals

Sometimes it can be helpful to meal prep for the week, especially if you are typically really busy. Here are some recipes that may be good for you if you want to make some good meals for yourself and your loved ones.

One meal you could do is take some of the Gardein Chicken tenders and bake those. You can put them over some rice or shredded veggies with some seasoning. I usually put a lemon on the side to add some extra flavor.

Another thing that I typically put lemon on is some fishless fillets by Gardein. I had this with some cauliflower rice with lemon and garlic to flavor it. I also decided to have some zucchini on the side for extra vegetables.

Another meal I love making wraps with some tortilla chips. For this above, you can stuff a tortilla with cucumber, tomato, hummus, and any other veggies that could be added. This is a great meal that can be healthy but filling. I like to have tortilla chips and salsa on the side as well.

The last one that I want to share is a salad with spinach, Daiya mozzarella, tomato, onion, and balsamic. Sometimes I also like to add dried chickpeas to my salads for extra crunch and flavor. I also had a bagel on the side to this recipe, which I may be adding in an upcoming healthy snack post!


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