Recipe!! Vegan Peppered Gravy

Hey guys! My husband's favorite food is Biscuits and Gravy. 
Since transitioning to a plant-based diet, we have been struggling to finds the perfect gravy for his favorite dish. 

After months of trial and errors, we ended up using prepackaged vegan gravy for awhile. The other night my husband REALLY wanted biscuits and gravy but we didn't have any prepackaged gravy. So I decided to try again.

I finally came up with the ideal vegan gravy for biscuits and gravy!
I am so excited about this, I thought I would share.

I hope you guys enjoy this recipe and let me know if you find a way to make it even better in the comments.

Happy Cooking!
Vegan Peppered Gravy Recipe
Makes two cups

- 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
- 1 cup vegetable broth
- 1 teaspoon pepper
- 1 clove of roasted garlic
- 1 dash of chili powder
- 3 tablespoons of flour
- 3 tablespoons of cooking fat (I used vegan butter)

1. Add the cooking fat and flour to a pan.
2. Mix together until they form a sandy like consistency.
3. Slowly add the vegetarble broth into butter and flour mixture while whisking. 
4. Add all of the seasonings to the gravy
5. Whisk in the almond milk
6. Bring to a boil
7. Serve


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